The thermal fuse is a safety precaution that protects the Power Wheels vehicle from overheating or malfunctioning. If your thermal fuse is overheating or dead, your vehicle may not work properly.
There are a number of things that can cause this problem and some of them can be fixed. There are also ways to prevent this issue.
Here’s everything you need to know about troubleshooting a Power Wheels fuse.
How Can You Tell If There Is A Problem With The Battery or Fuse?
When fuses go bad it usually happens pretty quickly. Your child may be playing with the toy one day and find it broken the next.
You can pull out the fuses and tell pretty easily if they are damaged. If you are going to pull out a fuse, pull one at a time so you don’t get them mixed up and know where to put the replacement.
Here are some signs you may need to replace the fuses.
No Power To The Wheels
If the wheels aren’t turning or if you are getting no power to the wheels, pull the fuse out to check. If you can’t find anything wrong with the general fuses, it could be a sign that the thermal fuse has gone bad.
Battery Doesn’t Have Power
If you have a new battery in your toy or if you know the battery is charged completely and it’s still not getting power, it could be a fuse problem. Before you pull out the battery and replace it, check all the fuses.
If you do end up with a replacement battery for the toy, charge the battery and check the fuse before you install it.
Won’t Change Direction
Power Wheels cars are meant to go forward and backwards. When the cars can’t do this, it could mean there is a problem with the wiring or the fuses.
Replacement fuses should make the wheels spin both forward and backwards.
If the Power Wheels car seems to be overheating, it could be a real problem and even a dangerous one. The battery or the area around the gearbox may feel hot.
The thermal fuse prevents damage to the wiring system and helps keep the toy safe for kids
Causes of a Thermal Dead Fuse in Your Power Wheels
There are many things that can cause the built-in thermal fuse to blow, but most of the problems can be avoided. To improve the longevity of your thermal fuse, avoid these things.
Wrong Terrain
Sometimes driving the vehicle on the wrong terrain can cause the thermal fuse to overheat and stop working. If the road is too rough it can become loose and fall off.
If the terrain is wet or if a lot of water and rain splash on the thermal fuse or the metal strip around it, it can short the fuse.
If your child has been riding the Power Wheels in a particularly wet or rough area, this may be why the Power Wheels fuse is dead.
Corrosion on Wires
The wires that connect the fuse to the power supply and the metal strip around it can short out and become corroded. If they get wet or if something is spilled on them, it could harden on the wires.
It can break up the connection and flow of electricity and cause problems with the fuses or the metal strip.
Battery Problems
If the car doesn’t seem to be getting any power, it may not be the fuse but the Power Wheels battery instead. Batteries can go dead easily if the power switch is left on or if a fuse blows.
The Power Wheels battery may need to be recharged or replaced. If the Power Wheels battery continues to go dead or if it doesn’t work even after being charged overnight, it may be time to buy a new one.
Gearbox Issues
The fuses can control the gearbox and prevent the Power Wheels from moving as it should. The gearbox plays a crucial role in how well the ride-on toy runs.
If a fuse that goes to the gearbox is missing or has blown, then anything controlled by the gearbox will not work properly. That means the ride-on car may not move forwards or backwards, or the wheels may not spin.
How to Prevent the Problem
There are certain things you can do to prevent built-in thermal fuse issues and help save you time and money. Here are some simple preventative measures to consider.
Proper Use
One thing you can do to prevent built-in thermal fuse problems is ensure your child is using the toy properly. The child shouldn’t drive the car up steep hills or through water, mud, or sand.
When sand and grime get into the components of the toy, it can cause the Power Wheels fuse to burn up quickly.
Don’t Overload It
One of the things that can make the thermal fuses burn up or overheat the Power Wheels is overloading. While you might be tempted to let more than one child at a time in the car, if the car is not meant to bear that type of weight, it will not work properly.
This is especially important if you don’t charge the battery every day or don’t check the battery to make sure it is fully charged before allowing your child to operate it.
Don’t Get Too Rough
Some children can be rough on their ride-on toys and may even ram them into fixed objects or pull on the car. This is an easy way to ruin the toy and cause problems with the thermal fuses.
Don’t allow your children to play rough with the vehicle as it could put their own safety at risk as well.
Don’t Use If Damaged
Before you allow your children to play with a Power Wheels vehicle be sure to inspect it to make sure there are no issues. You will need to check all the pedals, fuses, and the battery to ensure it’s in good condition.
If there is anything broken or corroded, don’t let your child operate it. Operating a damaged vehicle could cause a fuse to blow and other mechanical problems with the gear switch or motor.
Keep the Battery Charged
Trying to operate or ride the Power Wheels vehicles on a low battery, or a battery that is not fully charged, could take its toll on the fuses. Always check to make sure the battery is charged before you let your child ride on the toy.
You also need to make sure you turn off the power switch in the electric car so the battery isn’t drained when the Power Wheels vehicle is not in use.
It’s a good habit to plug the Power Wheels into a battery charger whenever your child is not using it. This will ensure you charge the battery completely each night.
You can also charge the battery if the ride-on is losing power or can’t carry your child as it should.
You may also want to have extra batteries on hand if your child plays with the car often. This will ensure you always have a charged battery in the car and you can charge the battery you have as a backup.
Plug in the extra battery whenever possible to keep it charged.
Fixing the Dead Fuse & Bypassing it
There are some things you can do to repair the thermal fuse yourself.
1. Remove The Battery
Remove the battery from the vehicle and access the fuse box labeled “Battery Fuse.” Remove the fuse inserted in the box, and check to see if the wire connector is in place.
If the wire is connected to both plugs in the fuse, the Power Wheels fuse is good. If there is no wire or if one wire is disconnected from one side, the fuse is blown.
To replace the blown fuse, simply put the new fuse in the battery fuse slot to complete the installation. Once the fuse has been replaced, install the battery and check to make sure there is power and the correct voltage is going to the toy.
2. Replacing the Thermal Fuse
If you need to replace the thermal fuse, pay close attention to how it is installed to ensure the new fuse is compatible. If the fuse inserted in the box has come loose or if the metal strip is corroded, you may not get the correct voltage to the battery.
Remove the old fuse with needle-nose pliers and replace it. Test it when you are done to make sure it is not loose.
If you are buying a replacement thermal fuse, it’s important to know which type of fuse to buy. Choose a fuse that has electric current readings that are greater than the current fuse used in the circuit.
It’s important to measure the temperature between the fuse and the temperature you need protected. You can do this with a multi-voltmeter. If there is an open circuit, you will need to connect the wires to the proper terminals so the fuse you replace will work properly.
If you have to replace a blown fuse, make sure the wires are compatible with the connections of the new thermal fuse. If the wires don’t fit, strip them with a wire stripper or crimping tool to make them fit.
Connect the positive wires to the positive terminals and the negative wires to the negative terminals to get the proper electricity flow.
Connect the black wires and terminals on the opposite side of the new thermal fuse. It works the same on this side; the negative wire goes to the negative terminal while the positive wires connect to their respective terminals.
You can do this by hand or with needle-nose pliers. You may need to use the crimping tool for this side of the fuse as well.
Test the fuse to make sure it is installed properly with a voltmeter. It will measure the electrical current between the fuse and the motor as well as other currents in the wiring system.
Make sure you don’t have any loose wire anywhere on the Power Wheels.
Should You Fix The Broken Fuse on Your Power Wheels Yourself?
Replacing thermal fuses on Power Wheels cars can be tricky, and if you aren’t comfortable working with electricity or tools, it may be a better option to take the toy to someone else.
If you want to do the repairs yourself, keep the manual nearby in case you run into a problem while trying to replace the thermal fuse.
You will also need to order the correct replacement parts and have the right tools for your Power Wheels fuse repairs and installation.